Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lost Season 6, What Kate Does

Man, Lost is frustrating me. They are supposed to wrap it up & answer questions.. and it's only more confusing especially by adding the Other Others. Who are these people.. why add new characters? It's just getting to be too much nd my head is spinning! So this may not be the best recap and observations, but here it goes.

- I think Dogen resembles Miles. I think the guy fixing the cars looked like Lapidus. Lennon looks like Horace Goodspeed. The Other Other (don't know his name) resembled Eko.

- Kate recognizes Jack as she's pulling off. I still think this isn't the plane and they went back to course correct but their memories wiped out, yet they still know each other somehow.

- Sayid's wounds were healed. Jesus healed wounds.

- Lots of black eyes- Kate's went black when looking at the picture of Claire, Jack's eyes went black when looking at Kate, Claire's eyes were black when talking about Aaron in the hospital to Kate. Maybe the black eyes has something to do with the potential memory loss?

- Kate looks at the whale doll for a while.. didn't Aaron have a whale doll in his room when she had him? Didn't catch a dharma symbol on it.

- The couple that was to meet Claire at the airport had their days wrong. Think this is part of my theory that this isn't Flight 815, but another flight. Plus, Jin is asking about the other plane that landed and is told to be quiet.. I think the other others including Cindy aren't talking about Ajira flight but the other Oceanic flight.

- Rousseau brought up for a reason. I think Sayid has the infection, which Rousseau's crew had. Then Dogen said that Sayid will go to the dark side, like Jack's sister. and then Claire appears looking like Rousseau out of the blue with a gun. Perhaps there are varying stages of the infection and Claire is in the middle stages? Sayid is just starting.. might not make you sick but makes you nutty! Also, Claire, Rousseau and Sayid all gave birth on the island (Sayid to himself- reborn) and they are all "claimed".

- The others hurt or died helping Jack.. Jack is always trying to save everyone but it doesn't always work. He made Juliette hit the bomb, he couldn't save Kate's officer, Ana Lucia, Libby, Boone, Shannon. Jack is there to redeem himself along with Kate, Jin, Sayid, etc.. people were brought to this island for redemption.

- The torturer was tortured.

- Miles said there was no white light, angels singing or dead relatives around Sayid. He can usually sense that stuff around the dead people. It's indicative that Sayid didn't die.. and he's not Jacob.

- There was a very long shot of the house- Claire looked at it for a while. What house is this? Does it resemble her house from Australia when Christian Sheppard looked at her house for a while?

- Claire's potential Australian adoptive parents were named Arlene & Joseph Stewart, whom she turned down to adopt the baby. This LA woman's name was Mrs. Baskin. http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Arlene_and_Joseph_Stewart The psychic told Claire she needed to raise the baby herself and pushed her to a good couple in LA.. 815 crashed to prevent Claire from giving up Aaron for adoption. But this other Oceanic flight she encounters Mrs Baskin (who resembled her mom all disheveled when Kate rings her bell). Also, Mrs. Baskin, is close to the word basket- which Moses was put in a basket as a baby and given away. This woman denied Claire which then makes the psychic's warning that Claire needs to raise her baby as her own true for now.. however, Kate is present at the birth. But Kate goes back to the island to reunite Claire with her baby. Claire said you don't have to do what you did either. Is this a reference to Kate coming back to the island to find Claire for Aaron?

- Claire went into labor right after she landed but she was pregnant for a while on the island. She also took forever to name Aaron yet even though she was willing to give the baby up in LA she had a name for him and didn't know why (it had just come to her). It's that whole deja vu- we feel like we've lived it before but don't remember.

- The sonogram said "Mercy Hospital" and the date was 10/22/04. 815 crashed 9/22 so this proves my other Oceanic flight theory, once again!

- As we all know, Dr. Goodspeed (aka Ethan Rom "Other Man"- Ethan's father was Horace) stole Claire's baby. Was Ethan meant to steal Aaron? Karen has a theory about the iChing that the Chinese believe from the time you are born, that is your path- no matter what path you chose and that there are people that come across your life for a reason. We all know Fate is involved on Lost so Ethan is present for Aaron's birth whether they were on the island or not. He needs Aaron.

- Detective Rasmussen looking for Joan Hart (Joan of Arc?) Trying to see if there is one particular Rasmussen the name may refer to and there are too many. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rasmussen I like that it's a suburb of Queensland, Australia. (and some dudes that created Google Maps & Google Wave!)

- Sawyer threw his ring in the water. Desmond threw his ring in the water. He also said he didn't want to be alone.. live together, die alone

I also can't take credit for this, but someone posted "One thing I noticed when Kate & Sawyer were talking on the pier in the distance in the water was Fonzie in a leather vest jumping over a shark on water skis".

Couldn't have said it better myself... come on Lost- Stop confusing us & start answering questions! Thank god they killed off those other two dudes! And bring back Eko!


Anonymous said...

In the LAX episode, Sayid's passport and customs form indicate that he is Iranian. However, previously and then reiterated by Sawyer in this week's show, he is known to be Iraqi and was part of the Republican Guard. What's up with that?

Unknown said...

no ending to this show will ever satisfy the build up...

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

patrigisbert said...

no me ha gustado

Anonymous said...

Let me read once more to express my sincere comment. Because I am confused to say something. But I think such an attempt from side should be appreciated. Thanks!