Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Season 6, The Package

Not much to write about for this episode. Definitely a let down from last week. So I'll give ya this:


And a few other observations:

I do think Jin understood English in the sideways life but pretended he didn't just as Sun originally had when they got to the Island.

I thought it was interesting Patchy/Mikhal was shot in the eye.

Desmond is the constant.

Flocke said "What ever happened, happened" which is also the name of an episode. http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Whatever_Happened%2C_Happened

Sun said no one was watching them but we know Jacob was.

Jin was brought into Room 23 the brainwashing room. (Your Life- Everything Changes).

Whidmore said everything we know and love will cease to be.. is Whidmore good or bad- he's trying to convince us Locke is bad but maybe he's bad.

I'm mad that Ben has been reduced to gathering mangoes.

And we didn't need the gratuitous shot of Sun's tatas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

disagree.... Sun's tatas were the only thing worth watching in this episode...