Friday, February 22, 2008

Season 4, Episode 4

Ok- sorry this is late but i went to the bravery last nite and got home too late to post. welcome new members! enjoy reading.

I'd also like to point out that "sayid is my boyfriend'" aka my sister karen made numerous fantastic comments that everyone should read under my vincent -top 8 post. check them out.

- The Invention of Morel by Adolfo Bioy Casares is the book Sawyer is reading. The story is about a fugitive who hides on a deserted island somewhere in the South Pacific.

- the book locke gave Ben - VALIS by Philip K. Dick. Known as science fiction only for lack of a better category, "Valis" takes place in our world and may even be semi-autobiographical. It is a fool's search for God, who turns out to be a virus, a joke, and a mental hologram transmitted from an orbiting satellite. The proponent of the novel, Horselover Fat, is thrust into a theological quest when he receives communion in a burst of pink laser light. From the cancer ward of a bay area hospital to the ranch of a fraudulent charismatic religious figure who turns out to have a direct com link with God, Dick leads us down the twisted paths of Gnostic belief, mixed with his own bizarre and compelling philosophy. Truly an eye opening look at the nature of consciousness and divinity.

- locke mentions the last two eggs- perhaps someone will have twins? the manuscript found on the plane was "the bad twin".

- kate said this isn't a democracy and locke said if i was a dictator, i would just shoot you and go about my day. seems like locke is turning into evil! he also later tells Miles he's responsible for the well being of these people on the island. dicatator!

- Locke had blood on the hands from killing a chicken- eggs come from chickens. eggs/fertility. also could be a sign of the devil at work- to be responsible for someone's death.

-Hurley said "you Scooby Doo’d me ". At the beginning of every Scooby Doo episode, the Mystery, Inc. gang bump into some type of evil ghost or monster or supernatural force, which they learn has been terrorizing the local populace and they work together to solve the mystery. Also, a dog plays a major role - Vincent!!!

- Who would Kate want to see on the island?

- she would get 15 years or 7 years. 15 is the number on the rabbit in one of the Dharma videos.

- When Jack is on the stand he says only 8 survived, but it's the oceanic 6. who are the two that die? he is protecting the others, as a Shephard (his last name) protects its flock. And when he flips out later on, he tells Kate they have to go back for the others. Also Sawyer later says baaaahhh.

- Xanadu- song playing by Hurley.
In Xanadu did Kubla Khan
A stately pleasure-dome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measureless to man
Down to a sunless sea.
So twice five miles of fertile ground
With walls and towers were girdled round:
And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills,
Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.

Also the movie plost for Xanadu- Sonny Malone (Michael Beck) is a talented artist who dreams of fame beyond his job, which is painting larger versions of album covers for record-store window advertisements. As the film opens, Sonny is broke and on the verge of giving up his dream. Having quit his day job to try to make a living as a freelance artist, but having failed to make any money at it, Sonny returns to his old job at AirFlo Records. After some humorous run-ins with his imperious boss and nemesis Simpson, he resumes painting record covers. Hurley was drawing in the mental ward and he's always playing music.

- The Dharma Red Wine box had the numbers 731. 7 + 3= 10 + 1 = 11 1+1= 2. 2 eggs.

- Backgammon. Locke taught Walt how to play. Locke is now the black piece and we think he used to be white when he played against Walt. Good vs Evil. Locke explained the rules of Backgammon to Walt, mentioning that "There are two players. One side is light, and one side is dark."

- Sawyer says "Bruce Lee" from the Freighter, referring to Miles. Miles is DEFINITELY the son of Dr. Marvin Candle, which is why he is back on the island for revenge. Ben off'd all the Dharma people and Dr. Candle worked for Dharma. Revenge for the Father.

- The chair Miles escaped from looked like an execution chair.

- 3.2 Million dollars. Jesus died at the age of 32. Also, The Oceanic Manifesto 815. 8 + 1 + 5 = 14 1+ 4= 5 5 = 3 & 2
Ben was born 32 miles from Portland.
- Queen of Diamonds card. In doing research I came across a lot of Chinese references- Bruce Lee. Xanadu was an ancient Chinese city. Also, in the Paris court card traditional names, it stands for Rachel- the second wife of Jacob. There are many Rachel's on the show- Juliette's sister, Kate's ex boyfriend's Tom's wife, Claire's friend that takes her to the psychic & Rachel Blake the blogger.

- 3- referred to frequently. The Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

- Hurley- Sawyer called him Montezuma. The portrayal of Moctezuma in history has mostly been colored by his role as ruler of a defeated nation, and many sources describe him as weak-willed and indecisive.

- as a side note- how AWFUL was the editing while sawyer was in bed with kate. his hair kept changing!
- one deal made for kate was 4 years. 4 is a number.
- Clouds in Aaron's room.
- the episode where Claire has the nightmares during her pregnancy is called "raised by another'. we now know it's not the adopotive family in california - but kate!
- Aaron-Kate is ok with not leaving California. Later on she clearly doesn't want to go back. Is it because Claire is still alive and she's taken Aaron as her own and doesn't want Claire to have him? Also she doesn't want her own mother to see him. And why is it hard for Jack to see his own nephew (which he may not know is his nephew yet) - is it because he knows that that's not really Kate's son but Claire's and she is still alive but not raising him and he has a problem with that truth. Also- is Aaron techincally one of the Oceanic 6? also, the credits have him as a two year old boy.


Anonymous said...

now i'm hooked.

woknad said...

Great recap.

How do you come up with this stuff though?? - The Dharma Red Wine box had the numbers 731. 7 + 3= 10 + 1 = 11 1+1= 2. 2 eggs.

ali said...

it's all about the numbers woknad!

Anonymous said...


Being a Scooby Doo aficianado, the gang always reveal that the evil isn't really a ghost/supernatural force and rip off the mask of the monster only to reveal someone involved in the storyline as the bad guy.

8 survived, 6 live. Who are the 2 and what happened to them.

Anonymous said...

This blog RULES


jjjonatron said...

midlake directed me to your way. i'll have to say, yes, aaron definitely is (in my opinion) one of the oceanic 6. how could he not be?

Anonymous said...

In the previews for this episode, it said "Another of the Oceanic 6 is revealed", so the only one it could be was Aaron.. I think

Anonymous said...

Not only do Miles and Dr. Candle look like they could be father and son, Dr. Candle almost looks like he could be an age-progression of Miles- Maybe Miles is Dr. Candle from the past brought to the future to avenge his own death!---Julie