Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Season 5, Episode 11- Whatever Happened Happened

First & foremost, I would like to thank everyone for wondering where Schlost has been the past two weeks. I was at SXSW and 2 weeks ago and when I got back I was too tired to blog and then last week I caught the SXSW bug and was too sick to blog. Argh! But I want everyone to know how much I appreciate the love.. it means so much to me! xoxo.

I probably should recap the past two weeks but you can probably find them on lostpedia. My main thoughts out of both episodes were that Sun is definitely Dr.Pierre Chang/Dr Candle/Dr Haliwax/Dr Wickmund's kid.. NOT miles. the reason for this is because she is on another island with a different time and you cannot exist as yourself in the same time period, as we saw with old & young Ben.

Also Sayid killing the chicken was reminiscent of Mr. Eko killing the man for his brother.

and the book that ben gave sayid-
A Separate Reality: Written by Carlos Castaneda in 1971, this allegedly non-fictional book is about a man's experience working with a self-proclaimed sorcerer (Don Juan Matus). The authenticity of the book, along with the rest of Castaneda's series, has been a topic of debate since they were published. Part of the story is about the effects of plants that caused mind alterations - like mushrooms - that help people "see." In the book Don Juan talks of 'allies' who can appear in any form and of one in particular he calls 'little smoke'. More specifically, the copy seen in the episode is the Pocket Book edition first published October 1972. (Literary works) (Religion and Ideologies)

Ok.. onward to this week!

- Kate listening to patsy cline (again). she had a red scrunchie in her hair. was trying to figure out what time period it was based on the scrunchie but then i realized the way it was shot and how we kept seeing it.. and it was red for a reason. does this mean kate will die?

- her song to aaron- perry como catch the falling star and put it in your pocket save it for a rainy day. song has appeared in lost before- On the first occasion, Claire requests that the Stewarts (her child's prospective adoptive parents) sing "Catch a Falling Star" to the baby after he is born, just like her father had done for her. ("Raised by Another") It is revealed in "Par Avion" that her father is Christian Shephard, and that he sang to her as a baby (although this specific song isn't mentioned at that point).
The melody that plays on the Oceanic airplane mobile hanging above the crib in the Staff nursery is from this song. ("Maternity Leave")

- Roger screaming My Son My Son was reminiscent of Michael/Walt. I hope now that Michael is on a new show we don't have to see him. He's really annoying. BTW- roger is uncle rico from napoleon dynamite. friggin sweet.

- Hurley & Miles conversation was genius. Hurley is asking the questions as we are and calls Miles out on the time travel theory. This was definitely written for us because we are all so damn confused with the time travel!

- Kate's sudden honesty. She lied & kept secrets. Now all of the sudden she's honest with Cassidy, a woman she barely knows and gives her money & spills the secret. Why? Did she redeem herself through becoming Aaron's mother? Her & Jack getting off the island changed both of them- Jack became bad/uncaring/drunk, the opposite of what he was.

- Does Kate become a caretaker for Ben? But she is the one who presses to save him unlike Jack who didn't care if a child died. Is this why when Ben requests the people on the list and originally gives Kate clothes & breakfast, he remembers that she once cared for him.

- I think Ben does remember Sayid shooting him. Sayid doesn't want to go back to the island but when we see Ben tell Sayid "I'm done with you" in He's Our You (ep 10) it pisses Sayid off. Ben has to find a way to force Sayid to get back so that the events happen properly (and Ben goes to the hostiles). Sayid is ultimately responsible for the man that Ben becomes and eventually helps out with the purge. This is also why Ben traps Sayid into doing his dirty work for years because Sayid is a killer as Ben points out. This is why it's also always unpleasant for the both of them!

- The weird fake scary Claire (Sclaire!) is what triggers Kate to do the right thing and go back to the island to find her, and let Claire's mom (who btw keeps looking younger and younger & mole free) to raise Aaron. Also everyone looks like someone! But why does Claire's mom say "a Dr. Shepard came & asked questions". Wouldn't she recognize that name as her Babydaddy?

- Cassidy tells Kate she took Aaron for her. We have been thinking Claire is like the virgin mary but maybe Kate is. Mary had to protect Jesus from being killed when he was born. Kate brings Aaron off the island to protect him.

- Also, the Jesus reference in both Ben & Aaron is prominent. We see Ben as a boy up until about 12 and then as a man in his 30s. Richard takes Ben away to raise him (raised by another). We see Aaron as a child and then probably won't again until he is older. We only know about Jesus as a baby and then again as a man- the major part of his life is missing from the bible.

- Is Jack becoming like Locke? He started telling Juliette he came back from them (and she said they didn't need saving) but he said he was supposed to.

- Kate and Sawyer- he wasn't fit to be her boyfriend. Kate & Sawyer were alike, Jack & Juliette were alike but now they've both changed- Sawyer good, Kate good, Jack bad. Juliette who knows!

- Richard brought Ben into the temple.. his innocence will be gone (ruh roh!) Sawyer knows the island has healing properties and in order to save Ben has to hand him over to Richard. Richard also says he doesn't answer to Ellie & Charles (Eloise Hawking & Charles Widmore). He answers to Jacob which eventually Ben does. Does Kate join the hostiles to help out with Ben? Is this how our Losties are eventually saved from the purge?

There's a news post that M Knight Shymalan is directing the series finale. I think it's an April Fools Joke but maybe not.. he does see dead people!


sonuvabitch said...

welcome back Queen Schlost! The person sitting near me at work pointed out that the reason that Ben doesn't remember Sayid as shooting him (from Hurley's convo) is because of what Richard Alpert says...that he will care for him, but that Ben will become a different person and wouldn't remember anything. The person who told me this was on jeopardy, so we should listen to her!

Dcee said...

Your "Ruh Roh" comment suddenly makes me think this is one big Scooby Doo scam and Jacob is an island caretaker trying to get rid of the "meddling kids" (and their dog of course).

NOTICE the Dharma van is similar to the MYSTERY MACHINE!

Coincidence? I think not!

Anonymous said...

Today in Lost History

Billy Dee Williams is born.

Anonymous said...

Roger (actor Jon Gries) was also in Real Genius with Val Kilmer (one of my favorite movies). I actually ate lunch with him a few times when I lived in LA. Gotta love the All American Burger on Sunset. He's great! - Amy