Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Season 5, Episode 15 Follow The Leader

Holy crap it's been a while since I've blogged. I'm sorry.. sometimes it feels like homework and I'm just too tired or I was sick or I was on vacation but no worries people- SCHLOST is back!
um just in time for the season finale next week : /

- the ship in the bottle resembled the black rock. i think richard was on the black rock.

- locke asserting himself as the leader. he hunted a boar. assured ben he wasn't going to stage a coup and said he was going to save his people.

- richard's eyes were jet black when he saw locke back. i also think richard lies about them all dying or it's a cover up, similar to the lies the Oceanic 6 told.

- the guy beating jack looked just like keamy.

- the sub manifest.. same as plane manifest. they questioned hurley on there.. and hurley was the keeper of the plane manifest.

- juliette had on a red shirt. so did hurley under his dharma suit (and his hair was much grayer). are they gonna die? sayid had on a purple shirt, but now it's black and jack/kate/locke/ben all had on blue/purple tones.

- the knife and the compass were the same ones richard had when he went to visit locke as a kid. i think the compass came from the black rock.

- locke's out of body experience.. his timing was impeccable. locke is dead. and can time travel OR his soul can embrace different bodies. maybe he's the smoke monster?

- love that sawyer wants to buy microsoft stock. also in last week's episode, daniel had a copy of wired that whidmore moved. jj abrahms guest edits wired this month!

- - Eloise/Penny. i think eloise is pregnant. Unless Dan graduated Oxford at age 19, she is pregnant with someone other than him, most likely Penny (although i do think dan graduated from oxford early, i like that penny could also be eloise's daughter). When Ben went to kill Penny, she told him that she had no biological connection to Charles Widmore. This means that either A) Eloise had a relationship with another man, further explaining the 'complicated' relationship with Charles that Richard mentioned, or B) Penny has no relation to either Charles or Eloise.

- Sawyer drew the map that Ben eventually gives to Rousseau. Ben has a map to the dharma temple and I think the one Sawyer draws could be this same one. It appeared to be the same notebook.

- is that a young rose in the hostiles that was walking behind locke? where are rose & bernard?

- Dr. Chang gets people off the island.. but there IS an incident as he discusses in a video (and i think this is when he may lose his arm). The finale is called The Incident Parts 1 & 2.

- I think that when John said he was going to kill Jacob what he really meant was that he was going to prove to the group of Others that Jacob Does NOT exist at all.
Thus killing the very notion that he is real and making himself the true leader. After all....John emphasized in his speech that nobody has ever seen Jacob. So basically he believes Jacob doesn't exist and wants to prove it to everyone. I tend to think that maybe Jacob was just an imaginary person that Richard came up with to give the group of people a higher sense of purpose.


- aaron is jacob- he is the chosen one. Richard has to be on the hunt for a chosen one.. always a boy. he took ben by default and thought he would be the one. he wasn't. locke failed the test when he was younger. aaron has always been special. if jacob exists, he's aaron (maybe aaron was born years ago when Richard came to the island and time travelled as jacob). also he is the chosen one because perhaps he is the product of an ongoing feud of whidmore & sheppard. maybe aaron's babydaddy is a relative of whidmore and i could see there being a feud with those two. but he is the product of a warring society and brings peace to the island. this theory could better be explained by karen.


- maybe jacob shapeshifts into different forms and was vincent at some point.

post your theories!
until next week schlosties..


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I think Jack is Jacob, a fraction of a second out of phase in time (like the bunny in the training video). It would make sense with the whole story arch of Jack going from a man of science to a man of faith to a man of science AND faith.

Plus: Welcome back, I missed your blog!

Unknown said...

I think Jack is Jacob, a fraction of a second out of phase in time (like the bunny in the training video). It would make sense with the whole story arch of Jack going from a man of science to a man of faith to a man of science AND faith.

Plus: Welcome back, I missed your blog!

Unknown said...

I think Jack is Jacob, a fraction of a second out of phase in time (like the bunny in the training video). It would make sense with the whole story arch of Jack going from a man of science to a man of faith to a man of science AND faith.

Plus: Welcome back, I missed your blog!

Unknown said...

I think Jack is Jacob, a fraction of a second out of phase in time (like the bunny in the training video). It would make sense with the whole story arch of Jack going from a man of science to a man of faith to a man of science AND faith.

Plus: Welcome back, I missed your blog!

Anonymous said...

If there is no jacob... What's the cabin? Is christian jacob? Where is clair?