Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Episode 7- The Life & Death of Jeremy Bentham


RIP Abadon. you scared me at first, but now I find you sexy. sucks you are dead but you probably really aren't.

So- first & foremost theory- The new people on the crashed plane (Caesar, etc) are the new Losties, Oceanic 6 are the "others"- like Ethan Rom was a plant and Sawyer, Juliette, etc are the Others but the hostiles.


- There was a Life Magazine from the '50s in the opening shot. Jeremy's passport said he was born in 1948 but Locke was really born in 1956. Helen was born in 1957. And Widmore remembers meeting Locke when he was 17 in 1954 and said he looks just the same- so if Widmore wasn't Widmore (and a regular person) would he think Locke doesn't age- we all think Alpert doesn't age but are we all time travelling when we see Alpert? So seeing him in 1954 or 2005 would make him the same age. Also, Widmore says to Locke they are about the same age- and they look alike.

- When Ben landed in Tunisia there were no cameras but there were when Ben landed.

- The pilot left with some woman- is this Sun? is she looking for Jin?

- The boats look just like the ones Sawyer, Kate & Carl used to escape the Others camp as well as when Juliette, Sawyer, used when they were all time travelling when they saw Rousseau's frenchies. There were 3 of them.. and then 2.. and it was said the pilot took them.

- Locke eating the mango was very similar to when he ate the orange in the pilot episode & freaked Kate out by doing the Godfather impersonation.

- Why did Widmore and Abadon offer Locke to get in contact with anyone from his past. Isn't he supposed to be dead from Oceanic Flight 815? And they knew the only person he would want to get in touch with that wouldn't know anything (besides Walt) is Helen. I think they faked her death so he wouldn't be curious to look for her.

- Locke always has leg issues- shot in leg, cuts in leg, hatch doors fell on his leg- and he was paralyzed off the island.

- The Dr that treated Locke in the infirmary looked familiar like the guy who owned the restaurant who accused Sayid of torturing his wife. Also- was Nadia in the infirmary?

- Abadon approached Locke in this infirmary & his original rehab center.

- A war coming- wrong side will win. Does Ben win because he kills Penny & gets away with it by getting back to the island?

- Sayid was building schools in Santo Domingo. (escuela de la isla). was it forgiveness for his sins? Also he was married to Nadia for 9 months- if Nadia was in the infirmary and is now dead did Locke time travel off the island? (9 months is interesting.. goes back to the fertility theme)

- Walt was not surprised to see Ben. He has visions of the future. He says they wanted to hurt you- wonder who that is. Ben? Why isn't Locke looking to bring Walt back- Walt is special and Locke knows it. Maybe like Alpert, the time will come for Walt when he is ready. Also, there were yellow license plates & old taxis circa the '90s.

- Locke & Widmore's eyes were 1 black, 1 light when talking to each other.. Locke had 1 black, 1 light when talking about Helen.

- Ben left and returned to off the island in 2005, Locke it's 2007 (according to his passport), Helen died in 2006.

- Like Sayid, Kate, Jack, Sawyer they've all got a soft spot for love despite Jack & Kate saying locke had nothing.

- Once Ben realizes how important Locke is- and how powerful (either because he knew of Hawkins or he was trying to get the info) he killed him. Mainly because the island won't let you kill yourself so he had to help sacrifice Locke. Island wouldn't let Michael & Jack die either.

- Also, Locked wore a hood like a Jedi. Is Ben Darth Vader and really evil? If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine. And Tunisia looks like Tattoine!

- I don't think Locke is really dead.. he went on a "walkabout" as Abadon recommended. Walkabout amongst the living & dead. Locke is dead- off the island but not on- as is Christian. And Hurley sees Eko, Ana Lucia, Charly. it's a threshold btwn living & dead.

- There's a tree that looks like the Joshua Tree- seen at Santa Rosa Medical Center, on the island & where Kate and her high school boyfriend dig up the time capsule.

- Ben is on the "injured" list- he was bloody prior to getting on the island. The survivors disappeared but Ben didn't.. is this the island's way of saying not to come back to the island?

- Westerfield Hotel-
The camera focused on the sign for a few seconds, I'm thinking there must be an anagram somewhere in there. Some letters were illuminated and some were burnt out.

Illuminated: W E S T R F I E L H O T L
Burnt out: E D E
All : W E S T E R F I E L D H O T E L

Using all the letters I came up with "threshold" which seems like it might tie into the themes of where the series is at right now, but that leaves out the letters " W E I E L E F T " or HERE WE LEFT LOST DI
We Left Lost
Wheel Rift Lost

DI= Dharma Initiative
The name Eloise is also in there.
Also- google Westerfield and there's a Swan Westerfield Hotel in the UK.

ok. that's all.. tired, tiny stinks & gonna watch top chef season finale. enjoy!


Unknown said...

Fun star wars fact: all the filming in the desert(Tattoine) took place in Tunisa.

So I think you have a point about the whole death and rebirth thing.

rckdabts said...

I think Walt will take over for Locke once the island is done with him, and i think Locke knows this too. Great blogging!

Anonymous said...

Here's what I have so far for the anagram of "WESTRFIELHOTL"


Anonymous said...

About Hurley's watercolor painting of The Sphinx. Some theory-math for you:

1. A Sphinx was the threshold guardian/protector — you know, like The Others, charged with protecting the Island.
2. Second, the word ''sphinx'' means ''to strangle.''

Anonymous said...

James Joyce's Ulysses: OBSCURE ULYSSES TRIVIA OF GREAT LOST SIGNIFICANCE! One of the heroes of the novel, Leopold Bloom, is utterly fixated on a big word: metempsychosis. It's a Greek term referring to ''the transmigration of the soul'' (the spirit moving from one state to another; see: the Oceanic 6 leaving the real world for the Island).

Anonymous said...

Or, Meet the egghead who might be turning the sci-fi wheels of season 5.

His name is John Wheeler, a super-important physicist who used to hang with Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr. He died last year, at the age of 96, on April 11, 2008 — or 11 days before ''The Shape of Things To Come,'' if you keep track of time by seasons of Lost like I do. Wheeler was the man who coined the term ''black hole.'' He also coined ''wormhole.'' He also coined the phrase ''it from bit,'' the idea that, in his words, ''every item of the physical world has at bottom — a very deep bottom, in most instances — an immaterial source and explanation.'' You know, just like Lost. Right? RIGHT?!

Wheeler was opposed to pseudo-science — supernatural stuff like psychic phenomenon — and yet he championed a concept that to ordinary folks may sound very mind-over-matter weird. Wheeler suggested that we live in a ''participatory universe,'' a form of time loop theory. From a 2002 Discover Magazine article about Wheeler entitled ''Does the Universe Exist When We're Not Looking?'': ''Wheeler's hunch is that the universe is built like an enormous feedback loop, a loop in which we contribute to the ongoing [creation] of not just the present and the future but the past as well.'' (Wheeler's premise is linked to a theory called the anthropic principle; for a user-friendly articulation, check out John L. Casti's 1989 popular science book, entitled — get this — Paradigms Lost.)

Gonzo? Hell yeah. But remember the opening sequence of ''Because You Left:'' We saw Daniel Faraday present in — nay, participating in — the Dharma Initiative past. And didn't we see Dharma workers on the verge of excavating the ancient donkey wheel, the mechanism that presumably activates the Island's time jumps? Does that ''wheel'' = ''Wheeler''?

Anonymous said...

a story that illustrates one of John Wheeler's concepts in a different way, one that I found both absorbing and emotional, and one that doesn't require any of this pocket protector hoo-ha to totally enjoy. But lest you wonder if I'm merely projecting Wheeler onto Lost, as opposed to identifying Wheeler within Lost, I offer this proof: John Wheeler's middle name.

It's Archibald.

Long for Archie, Jughead's best friend.

John Archibald Wheeler.

John. Archie. Bald. Wheeler.

Or in other words ...

John Locke.

Anonymous said...

Fun fact: Did you know that the Marvel Comics character the Thing — also a sentient mound of rock — has a name? It's...Benjamin Jacob Grimm.

Anonymous said...

They're the quantum-leaping Bill and Ted of Lost. So excellent.

Anonymous said...

Each city that Locke and Abaddon travel to references saints or angels: Santos Domingo, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara, Los Angelos.

Anonymous said...

He's Evil: When Hurley sees Abaddon standing next to the car, he yells "He's evil". He's Evil by The Kinks was Charlie's favorite song.

Anonymous said...

Abaddon/Appolyon/Apollo - The name is rendered in Greek as Apollyon and described as king of the locusts which rose at the sounding of the fifth trumpet. "In appearance the locusts were like horses arrayed for battle; on their heads were what looked like crowns of gold; their faces were like human faces, their hair like women's hair, and their teeth like lions' teeth; they had scales like iron breastplates, and the noise of their wings was like the noise of many chariots with horses rushing into battle. They have tails like scorpions, and stings, and their power of hurting men for five months lies in their tails. They have as king over them, the angel of the Abyss; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon." (Revelation 9:7-11)
Abaddon is mentioned again elsewhere in revelation "And the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star fallen from heaven to earth, and he was given the key of the shaft of the bottomless pit; he opened the shaft of the bottomless pit and from the shaft rose smoke like the smoke of a great furnace, and the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke from the shaft." (Revelation 9:1-2)

Anonymous said...

The root for "Matthew" in Hebrew is "Gift from God." Additionally, in Hebrew, Abaddon is synonymous for Hell or destruction. VERY loosely translated "Matthew Abaddon" can be read as "Gift from the god of hell"

Monty said...

The reason Tunisia looks like Tattoine is that Star Wars was filmed in Tunisia.

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